Preparing to teach Your First Yoga Class: Helpful Tips

Teaching your first yoga class can be both exhilarating and nerve-racking. 

To help you prepare for this experience, here are a few tips that I learned from teaching my first yoga class, as well as what I discovered during and after the session.

1. Writing your sequence down on paper

Unrecognizable female entrepreneur writing on piece of paper while sitting at table with notebook and smartphone

During my yoga teacher training in Ubud, Bali, I discovered that writing the sequence down on paper can help improve retention and comprehension. 

By writing out word-for-word what I planned to teach my class, I was able to practice and perfect it until I had it completely memorized. 

I’m not saying that it will happen overnight but if you put the time and effort into it and write down all your material it will help you tremendously. 

Organize your workflow by **colorcoordinating your sequence** to ensure you don’t lose your place and remember the order of everything.

Input your email below to receive a FREE copy of my color-coordinated template that has been my go-to for all my sequences.

When faced with uncertainty on how to create a yoga sequence, I would write down several different poses and experiment with them myself to see if they felt right in my practice. Which also leads me to my next tip- Sequence building websites/apps.

2. Sequence building websites (to help teachers create classes easy and effortlessly) 

If you’re like me, staring at a blank page with a pen in your hand can feel overwhelming, especially after completing a 200-hour yoga teacher training program. 

While you may assume that this training would cover everything you need to know, there’s still so much to learn. 

There’s a large group of topics to explore, such as how to personalize a yoga class, that aren’t covered in the training. Here are a few pointers that helped me get started. Some of my favorites are:

Yoga Journal 


Looking for ways to enhance your yoga practice? 

These websites that help you build yoga sequences can be extremely useful, especially if you’re also interested in learning the Sanskrit terms of each pose. It can take your practice to the next level and help you progress even further.

3. Mock up classes

Having someone to practice your yoga sequence with – whether it’s your partner, best friend, colleague, or a family member – it can be rewarding. 

If you’re preparing for your first class, consider creating an atmosphere that will help you get into the right mindset. You can light some sage or palo santo, to cultivate a tranquil environment. For my favorite yoga accessories that can help set the tone, click this link here.

Don’t worry about creating the perfect mock class – even if you feel unprepared, it’s important to challenge yourself. Set a date for your first class to motivate yourself, and dedicate a few weeks or a month to mastering the sequence for your debut.

4. Curating a playlist for your yoga class

As a yoga teacher, it’s highly advisable to have a premium music account on platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. Trust me, there’s nothing worse than having ads play during a downward facing dog pose taking everyone out of the flow.

Whether you teach hatha yoga, vinyasa, yin, etc. there are playlists that have been created already that you can have easily accessible to you or if you create all of your playlists on your own make sure the vibe of the music goes with your sequence and it’s not throwing your students off.

This is my favorite yoga playlist at the moment

5. Plan according to the weather (if your class is outdoors)

When planning an event in Los Angeles, weather is rarely a concern. However, I learned the hard way that this isn’t always the case. 

During an early November event in Hermosa Beach, strong winds at 17MPH caused some unexpected issues. Despite the windy conditions, attendees still showed up and for that, I was grateful.

Some people left the event covered in sand, which detracted from the otherwise peaceful savasana.

6. The Importance of Maintaining Your Yoga Practice as a Yoga Teacher

As a yoga teacher, it’s important to keep evolving your personal practice as a student. 

Continuously attending other teachers’ yoga classes and reading yoga literature can help reignite your passion for the practice. 

Remember, the key to being a remarkable teacher is to maintain your own yoga routine.

As a yoga teacher, it is crucial to focus on personal and professional development, whether through physical or mental practices. 

One way to achieve this is by reading books about yoga. Learning from the experiences and sacred practices of other yoga teachers is a great way to expand your knowledge and skills.

As someone who remembers their first class vividly, I hope these tips will help you prepare for your own first teaching experience. Seeing my students at ease and comfortable in my class filled me with joy, and I hope you can experience that same feeling. 

If you have any questions or want to share your first yoga class experience, please leave a comment below. Good luck and happy teaching!

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