How to Hold Space for a Yoga Class When You’re Not in the Right Mindset

We all have our off days, and it’s okay to feel down from time to time. If you’re feeling moody, remember that you’re not alone. 

As someone who understands what it’s like, I’m here to offer practical advice and tips on how to cultivate a positive mindset, which will allow you to be present for others when they need you.

Here are some tips to help you improve your teaching approach:

1. Journal or Meditate

Photo Of Person Holding Cup
A Woman Meditating with Her Eyes Closed

Take some time to meditate or journal before each class to clear your mind and get centered.

2. Gratitude

Woman Doing Hand Heart Sign

Find three things to be grateful for before you begin teaching.

3. Back to the basics

Man in White Shirt Doing Stretching in Yoga Class

Keep it simple and focus on the basics during your lessons.

4. Connection

Man and Women Sitting on Yoga Mats

Use your off day to set a sincere intention for your class that connects with your students on a raw human level.

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