5 Valuable Lessons from My First Year Teaching Yoga that Can Benefit Everyone

5 Valuable Lessons from My First Year Teaching Yoga that Can Benefit Everyone

Teaching yoga for the first time can be a transformative experience, not just for the students but also for the teacher. The lessons learned during that initial year can be valuable and applicable to people from all walks of life, not just those in the yoga community.

6 Reasons why Bali is the BEST Destination for a Yoga Teacher Training

6 Reasons why Bali is the BEST Destination for a Yoga Teacher Training

SPIRITUALITY The first reason Bali is the BEST Destination for a Yoga Teacher Training is because of the spirituality wrapped within the land of Bali.  You can just feel it in the air, it feels safe, grounding, and other worldly. Have you ever felt such a strong pull…

Why being Authentic can help you as a yoga instructor

Why being Authentic can help you as a yoga instructor

Why being Authentic can help you as a yoga instructor? Starting as a yoga teacher can be intimidating and overwhelming, but as you become more familiar with your practice and teaching, remember this one important aspect: no one can replace you. Every teacher has a unique approach, and…